KIrby Andersen

Press: Magazine Profile on K.I.A. (Kirby Andersen) art - Weatherworks, The Window, paintings, installations and sculptures

Spencer Magazine (Matthew Modine cover) did a 25+ profile on the Weatherworks land art, The Window photo series, the CRISPR paintings, and recombinant sculptures and installations of K.I.A. (Click the link to order the digital or hardcopy versions.)

The volumetric CRISPR painting series (various sizes), “genetically modified” works

The Window, a 24/7/365 durational photo series of unstaged ephemeral photos, interlinked sets of narratives nested in a single portrait of the times (covering the humanity, hilarity, precocity, vanity of the 21st century through race, religion, wealth, fashion, technology, love, hate, and fights and fires…) Read about them at the K.I.A. Substack HERE

More at at Spencer Magazine HERE (hardcover coffee-table editions available too)

Press: Weather artworks by K.I.A. (Kirby Andersen)

Full-page feature in The Toronto Star on the huge weather works series. See various years in the series HERE. PRINTS HERE. INQUIRIES HERE

Link to the Toronto Star article featuring the art made with weather by K.I.A.: LINK

2025 Weatherworks, L-R: dry snow, skied snow, rain, and ice

Compilation of various years in the Weatherworks series by K.I.A.

Black and whites from 2015 (ash on snow) in the Weatherworks series

ABOVE: ‘IOTA”, a painting (acrylic on archival paper) made outdoor with weather as a single work made of 36 single works, to be distributed (decentralized) to collectors around the globe and re-exhibited collectively every 10 years. MORE ABOUT HERE

ABOVE: Weatherwork paintings (acrylic on raw canvas) created outdoors using weather (found wind, topography, flora). More about this series by K.I.A. here: Weatherwork Canvases

Other artworks by K.I.A. (Kirby Andersen); CRIPSPR paintings, 24/7/361/1 photo series “The Window”, recombinant installations & sculptures, genetically modified paintings, large abstracts on canvas, public art explorations, etc. (see Menu). Works hang in various private and corporate collections (investment fund, law firm, yacht, homes, condos, mansions) in the USA, Canada, Japan, Italy, England, etc…

The Girl. The Vampire. The Murder. The End. (The Window photo series pt 46)

TL; DR: serendipitous scenes for imagined movies (The Window pt 46)


An animé character escapes from her simplistic cartoon into the real world to see a rainbow, fall in love, have sex, fart, and sword fight, not necessarily in that order, before she gets rewritten.

After a simple pitch goes horribly wrong, the surviving salesmen begin to suspect that one of them faked their Six Sigma sales-course certificate.


An influencer unwittingly records a murder in the window behind her and has to outsmart the criminals, the cops, the CIA, and social media to stay alive and get a brand sponsorship…

The motorbike. The heist. The woman. The betrayal. The chase. The roadblock. The discussion about Plato’s cave, simulation theory, and whether AI-generated virtual realities should be pre-decolonized by large language models rewriting user requests. The shootout. The end….

With a murder about to occur in the fishnet industry, six undercover policemen — one Black, one Indigenous, one white, one South Asian, four Women, two LGBTQ2SIA+, one Questioning, one and a half Deaf, and two from Quebec, one of them a curve model and the other Muslim — investigate.

Time-tourists travel back from the far future in their Chronobago only to find they are tiny in size compared to 21st century humans, and are also parked illegally. After their argument with the traffic cop goes viral on WorldStarHipHop, they must evade competing oligarchs muscling them to start a podcast, do a terrarium residency in Vegas, use their tiny hands in artisanal cobalt mines, and/or tell them how much Bitcoin is going to be worth in two years, not necessarily in that order, all before their impounded temporal recreational vehicle is sold off at a police auction, stranding them hundreds of years from home.

LL Cool J’s elite NSA vampire SEAL team secretly reunites to stop a shadowy cabal of NWO WEF scientists from using AI to hijack the CERN collider in order to flatten the Earth into a 15 minute city, but first they must trace some NFTs back to ISIS, battle UN undeads, avoid NASA NPCs, and race to stay ahead of international sunrises.*

An unemployed and depressed android comes to Earth to find work at Chick-fil-A, win at Chemin de Fer, and take up capoeira — oh, and stop the apocalypse with his rabo de arraia.

A man lives with no account of Time; no Arts; no Letters; no Society; and which is worst of all, continuall feare, and danger of violent death; And the life of man, solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short,** necessarily in that order.

The angel Raguel comes to Earth to decide The End and sees that things are pretty good actually compared to every other era ever, so flies back to heaven.


-*Rotten Tomatoes review by RoyalWee2 for Vampires VS: IV — 🍅 “Good, but not spectacular enough, nor intimate enough, to really impress us. We get fatigued (although it is LL’s most relatable performance since episode 133 of NCIS: Hawai’i)

-** from Thomas Hobbes' book Leviathan, 1651 (not coming soon to a theatre near you)

-for the international readers, the equation for Chronobago is: Time + Winnebago

-”Chemin de Fer” is a form of the gambling game baccarat, which is also known as punto banco; coincidently, all three have been used as nom de queere on Rupaul’s Drag Race; two by contestants, and one by a judge (Punto Banco.) “Rabo de arraia” is a capoeira kick, inverted and over the head, like a stingray’s strike. It was not used as a pseudonym on Drag Race. (It was used in “Pose” season 3 for a side character).

-good news: because the film has been pre-decolonized, the Academy has awarded the “Untitled Fishnet Crime” movie a 2025 Oscar

-”The chase. The desert. The shack. The girl. The roadblock. The end.” is the famous tagline on the original movie poster for the 1971 film Vanishing Point

-The angel. The descent. The judgement. The end.

-as always, all the photos are of real people caught in candid moments as they walk by The Window, (with no photoshopping, just color adjustments), and are the art, with the words (these words) always subordinate — especially when they are humorous. or "humorous”. (See the “How Far the Man” post for something more serious. Or “serious”.)

-the inspiration for this post came after seeing the above be-suited business guys walking just like:

Bonus image: (pinch up to magnify the billing block easter eggs):

The end.

The Window: a portrait in a thousand parts

Below is a view of The Window art project installed as networked photographs, showing the connections across the images, subjects and themes (diversity, time, technology, velocity, beauty, movement, dance, Tarot, entanglement… etc).

“The Window”, institutional installation view of themes branching and massing from linear spine (proposed)

The Window is a 24/7/365/1 photo project capturing life in the 21st century city. (See more of the images and ideas-behind: HERE). Above is just one of its many infinite arrangements.

Much of the art by K.I.A. is one larger work composed of smaller elements, allowing iterative presentations. Here’s an installation whose content changes according to setting and arrangement; here’s a painting whose 30 individual paintings are to be decentralized; here’s a recombinant sculpture composed from many discrete parts, and here’s an intercombinant wall installation (this same approach later arrived at by El-Anatsui).

The Window by K.I.A.: Every Photo a Film

New section, or themed grouping, in the ginormous 24/7/365/1 photo project The Window by K.I.A.: Section 10 - Vignettes. These images hit at a bigger story happening beyond the borders of the photo — a shooting, a protest, a wedding, a riot, Drake, and Taylor Swift (ies)... (Many — most — of the images in the project are portraits showing the diversity, velocity, hilarity, vanity, complexity, eccentricity (etc) of the modern city in the 21st century. SEE VIGNETTES HERE. (Individual and compilation images available as signed editioned prints.)

The Window by K.I.A.: compilation images

Compilation of photographs as grouped by theme into a single image.

The compilations range from two up to 60+ images. Dimensions variable and flexible — portrait, landscape, square, etc. Inquiries welcome.

Here are a few examples of the “visual poems” compilted from The Window, a 24/7/365/1 project documenting the diversity, velocity, and humanity of life at this moment.

See more of the compilations HERE (and more being added over time.)

“ultimulticulti” (39 image compilation):

“Views From the Six” (36 image compilation):

“Happiness Is Motion” (aka “Wheelers and Wheelies” (6 image compilation):

Other compilations: Gravity/Antigravity, Wraiths Below the Window, Sequences….